Pitcairn Islands Artisans’ Online Success Story
During these challenging times building an ever-increasing online presence has been at the forefront of Pitcairn Islands Tourism’s strategic thinking. In September 2020 Pitcairn Islands Tourism took their on-island artisan gallery online, providing a boost the island’s tourism-centric economy. With travel restrictions in place until March 2022, the gallery decided to create an online store and thus “The Pitkern Islands Online Artisan Gallery” was born.
The launch of this exciting venture has not just been another step in growing international awareness of one of the world’s most remote tourism destinations, it has provided a new opportunity for Pitcairn’s talented artisans to collectively showcase their products and ship them to enthusiasts around the globe.
Pitcairn Island artisans have been carving, weaving and fashioning curios and other souvenirs for generations and many of the handmade crafts and curios available through the online store highlight the strong connection Pitcairn Islanders have with their Bounty and Polynesian history. Choosing to name the store “Pitkern Artisan’s Gallery” signifies the importance Pitcairn Islanders place on preserving and promoting Pitcairn’s unique local dialect and cultural identity.
Celebrating the success of the online store, Pitcairn Islands Tourism Travel Coordinator, Heather Menzies, said “From branded clothing through to jewellery, woven baskets, carvings, memorabilia and stunning handcrafted HMAV Bounty models, our Artisan’s store has provided access to Pitcairn’s handicrafts with a simple tap on your phone or click of a mouse! Sales have continued to grow every month since we launched, with products packed and shipped directly from remote Pitcairn Island to the world.”
The Pitkern Island Artisan Gallery exhibits a range of over 360 different products from 13 resident artisans. Every product in the gallery is available via the Pitkern Island Artisan Gallery Online Store which can be visited at www.pitkernartisangallery.pn You can also sign up at the online store to receive regular updates and promotional offers!